Pacers & Drop Bags
Pacers and Crews
- Pacers are allowed to begin from Beal's Point to the finish (for AR50 ONLY).
- A pacer may also be picked up at Granite Bay or Rattlesnake Bar to the finish (for AR50 ONLY).
- You may have more than one pacer to help you get to the finish line, but runners may be accompanied by no more than one pacer at a time.
- Pacers do not need to check in prior to running, but need to clearly identify themselves at every aid station.
- Pacers should be well conditioned to travel the distance with their runner.
- Pacers are responsible for their own transportation to and from their starting location. Race management will not organize or facilitate any shuttle.
- Pacers may eat and drink from the aid station tables. Pacers must enter and exit with their runner. No "muling" is allowed. "Muling" is when a pacer carries any supplies (drinks, food, clothing, etc) for the runner outside of the aid station area.
- No trekking poles for runners, no dogs, no bikes, no horses .

Drop Bags
- Each AR50 runner will receive 3 issued NCU drop bags to be used on course, at packet pickup. These must used at Beals Point, Rattlesnake Bar and Finish Line.
- All on course drop bags are 16" x 16", and all personal items must be in these bags.
- All drop bags are collected on race morning at the start (6AM).
- Please look for the proper sign with your desired location.
- Please label your drop bag with your name, bib number AND aid station name.
- Please do NOT leave any valuables including keys, iPods, cell phones, etc in your drop bag.
- NorCalUltras is NOT responsible for the loss of any drop bags.
Drop Bag Return
All drop bags must be retrieved at the finish line on race day. It is the responsibility of each runner to claim his or her drop bags. If you cannot retrieve your drop bags, please have a friend or family member pick up your drop bag.
Drop Bags will NOT be mailed to anyone. Any unclaimed drop bags on race evening will be donated to charity on Monday following the race. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with our updated policy.
Race management works very hard to expedite drop bag retrieval in a timely manner. However, we ask for your patience. Here is an approximate time schedule of drop bag returns. Please make a note of this:
- Beals Point drop bags will not return to the finish line until after the aid station closes and cleans up. Estimate: 2:00 P.M.
- Rattlesnake Bar drop bags will not return to the finish line until after the aid station closes and cleans up. Estimate: 6:30 P.M.
- Drop bags must be picked up at the finish line by 8 P.M.
Thanks for your understanding and assistance with these guidelines.